We hear it, read it and LIKE it: the slogans and campaigns that encourage us, the people, to be the ones to make things happen. To be the change, make the move, shake things up. But what does that mean to the life of an early childhood teacher?
It could mean that you are willing to take a stand on the way we teachers treat discipline as a concept and children in general. Are we going to follow the path of all those before us; glaring eyes, gritting teeth teachers who use techniques like bullying, scolding, lecturing and passive punishment (a.k.a. “time outs”) or bribery (a.k.a. “positive reinforcement”)?
Or are YOU going to step into the light and find out we can all work to do it better? To do what we’ve been saying for years: TEACH.
Children must be taught why their behavior matters to them and to others. They must be taught in ways that are internal and will lead them to make the same decisions when you, the adult, are present or when they are on their own. Is it magic? Is it a trick? Is it foolproof? No. It’s good sense, logical and consistent. Like all good things.
If you are willing to step into the light and be counted, start a book club like Twin Rivers Unified School District and read Enlightened Discipline, host a Parent Growth Seminar like Rainbow Day Care and The Center for Spiritual Awareness, offer Enlightened Discipline Teacher Certification like Discovery Tree Schools, Inc and Creative Child Care, Inc. Go talk to your Director, your Principal, your Program Coordinator, whoever you can get to listen.
Cuss and discuss the ideas, challenge each other and yourself and see where you stand. I believe you will stand in the light of Enlightened Discipline when you are finished.
Have another idea? Contact me and share it! Join the wave. Let’s get going. Our kids can’t wait!
Love Enlightened Discipline with me!