define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Sacramento CA Preschool Curriculum: Engaging Play-Based Learning

Life in Balance

girls log dressesIt’s all about balance & keeping life in moderation.

It’s a good adage for us all but we believe it’s especially important when designing a preschool program. The one central rule we have tried to keep clear is that we offer a balanced program, a balanced curriculum, a balanced schedule and a balanced meal program. What does this mean to you and your child?

Balanced Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers 

By planning and allowing the day to unfold, we believe we have provided a balance of guided activities for children while affording the child to have influence over their day, the activities they do and sometimes they will inspire the teacher’s plan.

Balanced Schedule

We plan a developmentally appropriate time frame for young children. The magic is to make just long enough to increase attention span and allow for ample enjoyment without boring other children or making one child less inspired or feel stifled.

Balanced Learning Style

We strike a balance between balanced teaching or exploring, unearthing, allowing, wondering, pondering and the style of “feeding data”. We all want children to learn new words, new facts, and new ideas but not at the expense of stifling their inquisitive nature, their spark for wonder, and their personal take on an idea.

Balanced Program 

It’s important to balance the quiet or passive activity opportunities with the wild and running opportunities. It’s important to provide times for alone play and times for social interaction.

Balanced Nutrition

Within the scope of all of our meals and snack, we seek balance; a balance in nutrition that our food is whole and fresh, but not ‘crazy-making’ for our cook. Food is good. Let’s enjoy it. We live in a great area with locally grown fresh foods. Let’s experience these. The tastes we provide range from savory to sweet, the spices include a range of flavors. Not all children will like all foods and tastes. We accept that and know that no child will leave hungry.
However we will not cater to a child’s preferences because so many options are available and we know they will find one or more that works for them. We believe by providing young children with new tastes and textures, we allow them to learn to accept and enjoy more “mature foods’. But on occasion…yes it’s a party and we will have a cupcake! That’s balance.


Enlightened Play Preschool Midtown and West Sac Campus offers full time and part time care for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

Questions about Caring Connection’s programs? Contact us or stop by for a visit.

Learn more about Enlightened Discipline

Author Julie Jenkins insists that we say goodbye to the naughty mat and call “time out” on timeouts. Leave all those old-school techniques behind. This is the manual for teaching the foundations on self-discipline, common sense and self-respect to young children. Written for every teacher in the early childhood field and every parent with young children.

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Meet Julie

Julie Jenkins devoted 30+ years to up leveling the way adults teach children about behavior. She put her philosophy into print in 2004 in Enlightened Discipline.


Purchase Julie's book Enlightened Discipline

West Sac Campus

703 West Acre Rd,
West Sacramento, CA 95691

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