Wellness Vs Illness
At Enlightened Play Preschools, it is our joy to become part of your parenting team and learn your child’s moods and attitudes. This will become very helpful if your child becomes symptomatic while in our care.
We are on your side to help catch, in advance the signs and symptoms which might lead to illness so that you can attend to your child and do whatever is necessary to keep them healthy. We may notice a change in response, attitude and give you a courtesy call or speak with you when you arrive so that you can prepare your employer or make an appointment with your pediatrician.
Child care and germs: We clean all day long.
We sanitize, use a bleach solution on surfaces, frequent hand washing,
In order to keep our center as well as possible, it is imperative that we limit sick children’s contact with other children in childcare. We require a
What does this mean? Your child must have 24 hours out of preschool with no symptoms.
Sometimes when a child begins to feel better, their symptoms decrease. But they may have not fully recovered from their illness. So, as a
Children also need their parent when they are ill.
They need more time, attention, and nurturing than our classroom environment may offer.
What determines illness?
We determine that illness is obvious with one or more of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, cold symptoms (green mucous, heavy coughing), or lethargy. We will also look for signs of pink-eye, ear or toothaches, head lice, and so forth. Children with unidentified rashes may be asked to see a physician.
If your child has an unusual series of symptoms, we may ask for a physician’s note to clarify.
Meet Julie
Julie Jenkins devoted 30+ years to up leveling the way adults teach children about behavior. She put her philosophy into print in 2004 in Enlightened Discipline.
Purchase Julie's book Enlightened Discipline
West Sac Campus
703 West Acre Rd,
West Sacramento, CA 95691