define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); behavior Archives - Enlightened Play Preschools
From Wiping to Shaking:

From Wiping to Shaking:

Toileting Basics you must Teach! Just because your child can go potty in the toilet does not mean your job as a toileting guru parent is complete. Your child doesn’t know how, until you teach them, to care for their body and the bathroom in the way that we all want....

We ARE the Change!

We hear it, read it and LIKE it: the slogans and campaigns that encourage us, the people, to be the ones to make things happen. To be the change, make the move, shake things up. But what does that mean to the life of an early childhood teacher? It could mean that you...


“Discipline vs. Punishment” Julie Jenkins Sathe Author of “ENLIGHTENED DISCIPLINE” I walked into the room and heard a teacher say, “So, I know you don’t believe in discipline, so what do you do when…..” The rest of the sentence was lost to me. We don’t discipline? I...