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Caring Connection Children’s Center (Midtown) is located at 2100 J Street. Find us behind the First United Methodist Church, (on the corner or J Street and 21st) and Lofings Lighting (on 22nd).

flowy panels treesLook for the rainbow crayon fence to start your adventure. Visitors will be greeted after ringing the bell at our secured gate. Adults and children enter through our playground, equipped with a security coded entrance. Upon enrollment, parents are given the code to the gate.

Upon entering the yard, you will be transported from the urban sights and sounds of downtown Sacramento to a tranquil, natural setting for children. Large trees dance in the breeze giving shade and a canopy of nature to the play space. Our mudpie kitchen, grassy knolls, and child-sized trees greet you and your child, while a large, safe slide structure and decomposed granite walking path are open for play.

Walk inside, sit on a bench and watch the docked boat (filled with sand for play) leading to the dry creek bed stretching through the yard. You and your child will feel at ease. The sensory garden, while changing through the seasons, grows basil, cilantro, rosemary, and mint (used regularly in our cooking). Throughout the play area are other sensory plants like lavender and jasmine (to heighten the children’s outdoor experience.)

904525_10201174799796979_643063643_oCaring Connection (Midtown) is licensed for children ages two through six. We happily accept children who are not yet potty trained and work with parents for a cohesive independent toileting plan. (See our article on Independent Toileting).

Caring Connection (Midtown) is licensed for 30 children, with a large playground that includes both natural and structural elements. Our outdoor and indoor space are both used as learning environments where art, games, free choice play, dramatic play, motor skills and early learning are practiced and learned.

The indoor classrooms are divided into two large spaces. Children have ample time to use all of the rooms and spaces, but the front classroom is geared to the preschool and pre-kindergarten child It includes a fine motor area, a science & math center, a writing center, and our main art hub. The back room is tailored for the transitioning two-year old and early three-year old child. Don’t miss seeing our dramatic play areas and costume rack.

We encourage parents to visit any time we are open to see what is really happening!

Learn more about Enlightened Discipline

Author Julie Jenkins insists that we say goodbye to the naughty mat and call “time out” on timeouts. Leave all those old-school techniques behind. This is the manual for teaching the foundations on self-discipline, common sense and self-respect to young children. Written for every teacher in the early childhood field and every parent with young children.

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Meet Julie

Julie Jenkins devoted 30+ years to up leveling the way adults teach children about behavior. She put her philosophy into print in 2004 in Enlightened Discipline.


Purchase Julie's book Enlightened Discipline

West Sac Campus

703 West Acre Rd,
West Sacramento, CA 95691

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