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Nature Inspired Conversations

Social development and learning to communicate are true skills that pre-kindergarten children will develop in a social environment.  Independent and directed learning is one way to discover, but sharing, taking turns and finding ones own voice… that happens in...

Friday Picnic for Toddlers, Inside or Outside. Life is so Good!

Toddlers can enjoy Friday picnic day. A little sunshine through the open door. Outside in the dappled light are the walking toddlers, enjoying the sunshiny day…. Sharing their food and smiles, socializing as toddlers do… While the not-yet-walkers commune...

Move-able Parts & Why They’re So Cool

You may not know that preschool teachers are terrible (or wonderful) hoarders. But now we want to share why! Go Kenji! Yes, all you wine drinkers. This one’s for you! And at Christmas time it’s very easy to ask for the end cuts of pine trees. These end cuts add an...

Just Get Your coat!

What are you waiting for? Just grab your coat and put it on. Like me! Come on! You’re missing all the fun. We’re busy, so it’s not cold. It’s the best weather for making sand pies. …or playing in the sand. Whatcha waitin’ for? Put...

Our Natural Playscape; Autumn wanes into dormant Winter

  The fresh air of fall and the light rain that seems to wash off the year come this season. At Caring Connection Children’s Center, the beach with it’s summer history takes a dampened appearance, the yard diggers and movers, toys and trucks hold less energy than...