What will we teach our children? It’s much more than teaching kids to “share your toys”…
It requires warming up to another person’s personality
and just spending time,
…time getting to know
who they are.
Just like adults,
children need time with their peers.
They need time without adults hovering around
trying to make sure everyone is happy.
Sometimes the best friendships are
quiet and calm and
Taking turns doesn’t mean everyone has to be the princess.
Helping someone else is also fabulous and friendly.
Early childhood programs don’t just nurture
the ABCs and 123s.
Good preschool programs allow for the
unfolding of the individual
and the lovely
of more than one personality
into a delicious environment
of friendship
and happiness.
One-on-one and in a group,
children need to practice
the skills they will master over their entire life.
Communication, contact, connection and compassion.
Attention, respect, trust and confidence.
So, in closing we adults must take a back seat in social settings.
We need to create environments where
children can try and even, perhaps fail…
but situations where they can
practice these opportunities.
Create that environment.
Be that parent.
Become that teacher.
Provide that school.