The children have a lead role, nearly 80% in each work of art.

They paint, they place, they may glue, spread and smear.

They use their own hand prints, fingerprints and brush strokes to become the artwork that their teachers have visioned from the supplies and treasures they have collected.
One family brought shells back from a family trip to see their Grandpa, these shells created at least one beautiful depiction of the ocean.

The teachers patrol yard sales and dig through discarded books and supplies to recreate art from the rubble and include the youngest children in that creation, to the level they can.

Children might be pinching tissue paper, placing sequins, or gluing shells…

When I consider how young some of our children are, the focus and cooperation it takes for them (and their teachers) to follow through-

-and their ability to create such beautiful pieces of art – it is just AMAZING!
The 2nd Annual Art Gallery and Auction is July 25th 2013 from 6:30-7:30 pm