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Grand Opening Gala was a Hit!

There was smiling.  There was playing. There was meandering. There was painting. There was performing. There was listening. There was dancing. There was watching. There was eating. There was singing and clapping. There was team-working. There was ceremony. There was...


Join us on Sunday! Sing with Mister Cooper. Play with the kids. Tour the facility and enjoy the spring in the Natural Playscape of Caring Connection Children’s Center – Midtown Campus.  Julie Jenkins Sathe, author of Enlightened Discipline and several...

our GRAND OPENING GALA is just around the corner…

The sandbox boat has been docked. Plants are tucked behind it waiting for backfill. Sand will make this boat one favorite play space. Welcoming bench and planters awaiting some gorgeous greeters, coming and going.   Redwood planters greet and flank the gate to the...

Stepping up to the Task!

Here, the exterior wall get’s some new siding. Ta Da! The old grounds are cleaned and I can even see some new growth in anticipation of the lives we will see blossoming here, soon.  With donations from church members (Thanks Caroline Tabor) and a local...

Diggin’ It in Downtown!

Church volunteers step into action to create the undated and safe groundwork for what will be the new playground. Take another look before the privacy fence is installed and notice the walking/riding path being framed around the existing play structure. Volunteers...