define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Thinking & Talking (and doing) FLOOR BOOKS - Enlightened Play Preschools
At Caring Connection we have designed our curriculum so that children are
an integral part of adding their ideas and input into what will be done,
what might be added and what they think could happen.
The whole concept of “what if…” allows children to anticipate their teacher’s ideas and put thoughtful consideration into what might happen or what could occur.
As the day progresses what was planned and what occurs or transpires is added to the floorbook with the child so that they can remember or be reminded of what was planned and how it may have changed, and many times how the children actually impacted the day with new ideas.
For the parents, teachers are documenting and recording in photos or sketches
what was said, what ideas were shared and the teach-able
moments shared and enjoyed.