define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Nature's Building Blocks - Enlightened Play Preschools

Leave it to the Children…
Two boys, both 2 years old, with very little speech still managed to communicate in their own fashion as they lifted and stacked very large rocks from our dry creek bed.

Nature's Building Blocks

Discovering Nature’s Building Blocks

The teachers did not help, intervene or rescue them from what they were intent to do.
Nature's Building Blocks
Nature's Building Blocks
One child lifted, while the other stacked, both with extreme intensity.
Nature's Building Blocks
[/custom_frame_center]We called them inside for morning circle time and left their work untouched.
Natural Play

Natural Play

When they next returned to the yard, with little delay they were back at their task.
Natural Play
This was an amazing display of cooperative play and teamwork for children of this age.
Natural Play
[/custom_frame_center]This was such a joy to watch and experience. No toys, no blocks, no guidance was required.
This is Natural Playscape learning at its peak.
Caring Connection Children’s Center Midtown Campus