Enlightened Parenting
Just Add Kids!
We've worked for months to get the environment right. To purchase what we need, the get equipment in the right positions... But the missing ingredient and the key ingredient is, of course the kids! What courage we see in these young faces. Meeting new teachers, new...
Natural Play in Spring!
The birds begin to tweet, the air is clear and fresh and there is a restlessness about the humans. We want to dig and socialize, we want to be a part of everything. It's spring. From little humans to bigger humans in spring there is a freshness to life, to community...
Becoming a Great Human Being. What WILL we Teach Our Children?
What will we teach our children? It's much more than teaching kids to "share your toys"... It requires warming up to another person's personality and just spending time, ...time getting to know who they are. Just like adults, children need time with their peers. They...
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Sacramento Parent Magazine
Yolo County: California Children’s Services
Yolo Children and Family Resources: Yolo County Children’s Alliance
Resources for Parents
Creative Ideas for Parents while at Home
Storytimes at Area Libraries
Article Library
Enjoy Each Other and Laugh
This article helps parents remember what is always the best way to live. Take a different look at the simple enjoyment of childhood here and across cultures. Just laugh!
Dog Talk
One of Julie’s coined phrases that raises eyebrows and curls lips. “Dog Talk.” Learn about it. Maybe even look in the mirror and then, find a new way.
Looking for Infant Care
A helpful article from Julie’s perspective as mother and early childhood center Director. Julie lays out a step by step guide for parents, balancing head and heart on how to select infant care.
Balancing Act
Making one’s personal balance a priority will make every individual a better parent, partner, employee and friend. Read on.
Promises to Children
Do you see yourself? Do you make promises that are really bribes or other forms of manipulation? It’ll eventually backfire. Here are some tips.
What a delightful pack of inexpensive and easy ideas for rainy days with your toddler! You can do this!
Toliet Training Vs. Independent Toileting
There is a process that parents can learn and follow to actually let their child’s development lead to successful independent toileting. Leave training to the dogs. Embrace and practice Independent Toileting with your child!
Common Behavior Stumbling Blocks
Is bedtime a pain? Is bath time a mess? Is getting dressed pure hell? And eating dinner deadly? Staying at the table for meals impossible? Playing fairly (sharing)…are you kidding? Julie explores some typical times that create havoc for parents. Yeah!-you are not alone. Julie has some simple ideas to help you shift the behavior for success with your child.
Meet Julie
Julie Jenkins devoted 30+ years to up leveling the way adults teach children about behavior. She put her philosophy into print in 2004 in Enlightened Discipline.
Purchase Julie's book Enlightened Discipline
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West Sacramento, CA 95691