The Book
Julie Jenkins has written Enlightened Discipline ©, based on three core principles: Safe Kind & Clean.
Based on the philosophy she has used since 1989, the material is not heady and the book puts that claim to the test with step-by-step techniques and clear methods of teaching, taking and actions that will change the way you think, respond and speak. You will learn to redeem children from old labels, and minimize the roles of victim and bully.

Enlightened Discipline easy for children to grasp and understand from toddler to teens. But first YOU must understand how to change YOUR behavior as teacher or parent. Enlightened Discipline is written for teachers, early childhood educators and parents who want to do more than correct behavior.
It is for those of us who want to teach children how to have use their own personal judgment (common sense) and act with social awareness (empathy) for the rest of their lives.
Meet Julie
Julie Jenkins devoted 30+ years to up leveling the way adults teach children about behavior. She put her philosophy into print in 2004 in Enlightened Discipline.
Purchase Julie's book Enlightened Discipline
West Sac Campus
703 West Acre Rd,
West Sacramento, CA 95691