define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); How are YOU Modeling Eating for Your Child? Ready to eat your own words?? - Enlightened Play Preschools

Are you ready to eat your own words?

As the next generation of teenagers cross the threshold into adulthood I begin to wonder….and when I wonder, I write.

Our diets have changed so completely from when even I was growing up. I was speaking to my 23 year old about “fast food” when I was a child. There really wasn’t any, not like today. You still had to go into the hamburger restaurant to order To Go, but there was no drive through for many years. And now, we drive through for sodas, coffee, banking prescriptions and more. This is a convenience but at what cost to our fitness and longterm health? If you are one of the young adults who are now having children, planning on having children or preparing to give birth you must look at your eating habits before you start parenting. If you have already begun to parent, then it’s time to get a rude awakening in the best interest of your child.

Young girls and boys in today’s college age generation have, unfortunately been raised on fast food, deep fried foods, sodas and convenience meals. These are loaded with a lot of calories that have very little nutritional value. So…before you begin parenting your toddler or preschool child you must begin to eat healthy and learn to like the foods you may have avoided for years. What you do is what your child will do. Even if you say, “eat your spinach” if you are not eating it….what message are you giving? Either you are a hypocrite or you’re just plain mean. Neither is what you want.

Hints for you to start NOW!
1. Fresh vegetables and fruits. Start here.
2. Potatoes, pasta, yams in place of crusts and breads.
3. Use meats without pre-breading, preferably fresh that you cook.
4. Throw out the grease and use olive oil or spray.
5. Avoid adding salt. Really!!!!!! Salt is already in everything. Lay off!
6. Prepackaged fruit snacks and granola bars are candy and candy. Go for real fruit.
7. Sit at the table. Start now. You will be grateful for this habit when your child no longer finds you interesting company. Look into her eyes, listen to his stories. This is what they mean by quality time.
8. Baby bottles should never have soda in them. Never. Ever-ever. Your infant and toddler need water and ONLY diluted, real fruit juice.

…and my next article will be the down-side of: SIPPY CUPS! Get ready!