define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Beyond the Planning Meeting, March 2011 - Enlightened Play Preschools

In March 2011, we had a few parents and a few teachers to share our vision of creating a Natural Playscape playground to make Caring Connection the “jewel” of the area. We’ve divided the backyard into 5 basic areas: The Peace Garden The Sand and Walking Yard The Cement and Driving Yard The separated Toddler and Two’s area. Phase One: Teacher Susan and Director Julie worked to create the beginnings of our Peace Garden including stepping stones, a cement bench and new plants. Phase Two: Natural shaped sandboxes will be created by using pond liners and set into the soil. Removed soil will create our hill for a slide area. Decomposed granite will be tamped down onto a walking path which will wind all around and through the 2 sandboxes. A willow tunnel will be created over the walking path in one or more areas. Plants will be added to this more natural space and large sitting logs will be moved and secured. Our Mud-Pie kitchen will be added to the center most part of the playscape will pretend sink and pretend stove, pots, pans and utensils. Pavers will fill in the soil spaces to add unique and interesting hang out areas. Phase Three: A moveable barrier will be created with flower beds filled with dwarf trees and low growing plants for children to enjoy as a garden area. These planters will line up to create a barrier for the south side of the playscape to separate use and limit use for visual supervision. Phase Four: We have not yet decided how to renovate the existing bark area. Pending….